The Scramble
The Scramble Two men sitting about a campfire cast shadows at the surrounding wreckage of their ship. "Well, that just about does it for today, don't you think, Jacobs?" one remarks with a note of sarcasm. Jacobs barely acknowledges. He scrapes a flake of sand from beneath his, up until around thirty hours ago, pristine looking sneakers, and releases a shivering sigh. "Now, now. I know this seems hopeless, but we have this !" He gestures radially inwards at the embers, and after staring in the indicated direction a while, continues: "Maybe if you leave that crap on those springy clonkers and throw them to the flames, they'll end up glazed and safe from the elements for all eternity! Ha ha!" "Very funny, Harry. You know it could be weeks before they find us, you'd better cut me some slack for not being too happy about that." "It'd be a hell of a lot longer without tha...